What is our life mission? Our soul purpose? The authenticity in living our lives by our own truth and fulfilling our passions can be to many, a daunting task. Can I really become the poet that my soul yearns to be and still pay my mortgage on time? What if I don't know what my soul mission is? Reclaiming your authentic self is a method of visualization by which you can release the selves which we realize in order to survive, conform and conduct our lives according to the dictates of the world. During the guided visualization we release negative judgments and pressure inundated from self and others that too often compare, discourage or dismiss individual uniqueness. In visualizations, we can seek and attain inner peace. For a time you can sit with your soul and rediscover your innate talents and spiritual life purpose. You can give your soul an offering of acceptance and gratitude. In turn, by taking the time for self-discovery you may enter into a continuing state of balance, where the dichotomy of your inner self illuminates your daily life in your work and relationships. Life can become a joyful channel of your greatest talents into real work and play that balances your inner spirit with the outer demands of the world. The practice of reclaiming your authentic self becomes a retreat, regrouping and reassessment of your intrinsic value. This balance between the inner and outer may not be achieved overnight, but through practice of reclamation and trust in your higher self and purpose. Eventually there is little if any separation between your inner purpose and outer life. One of our greatest spiritual life missions is to express our full potential. This is the art of being true to yourself. A goal that brings with it lessons in spiritual growth and glowing experiences of daily synchronicity with spirit. We are spiritual beings who need to return, retrieve, remind and honor the blessed essence of ourselves. To accomplish this we journey within and place a flower at the temple that is our individual holiness. When we honor our inner temple, that is home to unlimited joy and potential, we acknowledge our right to happiness and expand our awareness of the divine. The flower we carry holds the petals of our purest intentions, the temple is the home of our soul and our life's mission is to manifest our soul's gifts - self-actualization of our potential and unlimited radiance in concert with the divine. Rather a lofty goal one might say, but the sweetness of union with spirit is a truly remarkable experience. We are amazed at the light that shines from our own temple and soon a single flower grows to a garden.
Posted by maryann-psychic
at 8:50 PM EDT