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Wednesday, 18 August 2004
Soul Mates
This Sunday's guided visualization/class will be on soul mates. The visualization will help you see one of your soul mates. The mere idea of a soul mates presents such hope and promise to many people. The reality can be that fulfilled promise but it is much more. Soul mates can take us to our highest spiritual connection and offer us the face of god when we look into the eyes of another. When we truly put another before us and realize that our love is so great, so powerful that our egotistical needs matter little than we are one step closer to the divine for the greatest love relationship mirror our relationship with the divine. Soul mates because we bear the truth of past lives together take us often to our most difficult challenges but also to our highest potential. The familiarity, the comfort, the desire all melt into one beautiful relationship that should be treated as a precious jewel whether it be short-lived or last a lifetime. But also some of our greatest lessons come from our soul mates for they bring with them the goal to reach our highest potential and sometimes we cannot reach that until we remove the shackles of our own fears that manifest as control, blocks, insecurities, competition or manipulation. Often we test each other out of fear in soul mates relationships but those tests occur because we think that somehow this relationship cannot be real, that sooner or later this will fail or even more fearful that this relationship might succeed. But when we shed our fears and learn to love unconditionally we open ourselves up to the greatest love imaginable which can only be matched by our great relationship with the divine. It takes courage to love and it takes courage to admit that we are not perfect and neither is the one we love and in that admission there is perfection because in the humility of the recognition that the love is greater than the ego, we value love as nothing else can be valued. Love is a jewel, our soul mates take us to the mountain, yet we must dig through the rocks and boulders we find or have created to reach it and we must continually polish it and admire it to keep it.

Posted by maryann-psychic at 12:20 PM EDT

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