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Healing the Gulf
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Guided Meditation for Healing the Gulf
Below is a guided meditation to send healing energy to the Gulf of Mexico.  Before you begin you may want to put a cd of ocean waves on or if you are fortunate to live near water visualize this while at the beach.  Also, get a bowl of water to place before you.Sit comfortably and relax taking full long breaths.  Begin to gently lose a sense of where you are, as you relax from head to toe.  Sit comfortably with your back supported and little distractions.  Imagine the last time you were by the ocean or even a lake.  Imagine you are sitting there now watching the waves gently roll in.  The sky is a restful blue with white clouds that lazily drift by.  You are comfortable and at peace.  As you look over the horizon, notice how it appears to reach out beyond where you can see.  Think of the endless horizon as representing the connection to each other, to all that is.  Feel a deep sense of peace as you continue to relax and breath deeply.As you are relaxed, allow your mind to think about all that depends upon the gulf, the sea, the life, the fish and those who earn their living from the sea.  Begin to sense how all the life in and around the sea is being affected.  Now begin to see yourself as a conduit, a wonderful channel of healing light.  For those who are Reiki trained begin to focus on the long distance healing, for those not Reiki trained, focus your intention on the healing light within you. All light manifests from intention.  Reach forward and place your hands in the water in the bowl.  As you dip your hands in the water, this imagine that you are placing your hands deep n the Gulf waters.  Your hands are full of healing light that is reaching to the depths of the sea, healing. You can see the light emanating from your hands. But you are not alone.  Your hands are joined by many hands across the world, all the meditations, prayers and  thoughts that are going out right now are joined in healing efforts.  Feel the sea's water clearing, cleansing and restoring life to life, healing to healing. Imagine the oil disintegrating, releasing and the Gulf and its shores being restored.  Take a deep breath as you focus your intention upon healing the Gulf of Mexico.  All those who are there are now empowered with your energy to help them make good choices, solve difficult problems and move forward to save our earth's waters.Stay as long as you like visualizing healing light flowing from your hands into the Gulf and when you feel you have done what you can release your hands and return them to your lap.  Form a perception of gratitude that the energy is sent and will be absorbed by the earth.Take a deep breath knowing all our thoughts, prayers, meditations and healing energy are doing much to help heal the Gulf.Return to the here and now, connecting to your present. Repeat this meditation whenever you like, suggestion is once every couple of days until the Gulf is healed.NamasteMary Ann (c) all rights reserved 2010 Mary Ann Reiger www.energy-circle.com   


Posted by maryann-psychic at 10:37 PM EDT

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